Our Team

Meet Kimberlee Tucker
Owner of Florida Homeschool Evaluations & Testing by The Homeschool Hive
Kimberlee is a homeschooling mother and former public/private school teacher with over 30 years of experience in the field of education. She has been assisting families across Florida with their annual evaluation needs for a decade. Currently, she offers portfolio evaluations and standardized testing using the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT-R) and once a year offers ITBS standardized testing in a group setting. She and her team of mini bees are an authorized direct provider for the Family Empowerment Scholarship and have extensive experience with a variety of special needs.
Using technology, Kimberlee and her team are able to serve families throughout the entire state of Florida. She is passionate about helping families successfully complete their annual evaluation requirements with ease and confidence. Kimberlee and her team proudly assists over 2,000 families with a variety of needs annually in the state of Florida.
The number one goal of Florida Homeschool Evaluations and Testing is to deliver quality annual evaluations throughout the state of Florida with a variety of choices in a professional yet non-threatening manner. What began as assisting a small group of clients in central Florida has grown to serve families in all counties throughout the state. Kimberlee’s passion for every aspect related to home education is the driving force behind her success. Because of Florida Homeschool Evaluations & Testing, Kimberlee and her team have been able to mentor countless families during their homeschooling journey which gives immense joy. Whether you are homeschooling your children in a traditional manner, taking the classical approach, are eclectic schoolers, unschooling, or even if you have no idea what kind of schooling you are doing, we can help with your evaluation needs!

Kat Wood
Hey there! I’m Cat Wood, a fellow homeschool mom of four children. I have been married to my best friend, Buddy Wood, for almost 16 years. We have been homeschooling for six years since my eldest was in kindergarten. I love to be active in playing with my children and being involved in their everyday life. I am thankful to have the freedom to homeschool. I am also a certified teacher in the state of Florida, and have experience teaching high school math as well coaching volleyball.
"Mini Bee" Portfolio Evaluator
My name is Jennifer Imam and I’m so excited to be working with Florida Homeschool Evaluations & Testing! I am a homeschool mom, Florida certified teacher, and experienced educator. The first 12 years of my career, I worked in the Cleveland Public Schools as both a classroom teacher and an Intervention Specialist. After moving to Florida in 2012, I added a new job title to my resume….Homeschool Mom! Since then, I have grown to love our local homeschool community and I’m inspired by the families who work hard every day to provide the best education possible for their children! I look forward to working with you!

Jennifer Imam
"Mini Bee" Portfolio Evaluator

Dr. Suzi Hesser
"Mini Bee" Portfolio Evaluator
My name is Dr Suzzette Hesser, and I am excited to be a part of Florida Homeschool Evaluations and Testings growing team of mini bees. Kimberlee and I are sisters and for the past three years I have been working behind the scenes tutoring and consulting with families that use Kimberlee for evaluations and testing. I am thrilled to expand my role to include PIAT testing and portfolio evaluations. I have 27 years of experience working in the PreK-12 and collegiate-level settings as a teacher and school administrator.
My life and educational philosophy can be summarized in the following statement: I believe we grow and blossom in a culture of love. In my free time, I love spending time with family, reading, visiting the beach, ocean kayaking, and Bible study.